Fátima Paiva-Martins finished in 1992 her Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences by Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, as first of class (17/20). She also finished in 1995 a Post-graduate training in Organic Chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, approved with Very Good. In 2002, she has got her PhD in Chemistry by University of Porto.
She is now Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (DQB-FCUP) since 2002, with a permanent position since 2007. She has previously worked at the University of Porto as a Laboratory Assistant (1991-1992), a Provisory Assistant (1992 to 1995) and as Assistant (1995 to 2002), always with full teaching duties. Since 2002 she has been responsible of several classes namely Food Chemistry and Nutrition, Food Industry, Biochemical and Chemical Aspects in Nutrition, Applied Organic Chemistry among others. During her PhD, she took the first steps in the study of olive oil antioxidant phenolic compounds and after her PhD, she continued to develop autonomously, not only this area of research but also a new area of research that aims the development of new polyphenol antioxidants (phenolipids) obtained by synthesis from polyphenols of natural origin. Currently she is a permanent member of the Research Centre REQUIMTE / LAQV - QUINOA group where she coordinates a young research group with primarily focused research interests on the study of the synthesis and properties of phenolic antioxidant compounds and antioxidant mechanisms in emulsified food systems, liposomes and in cell systems. Fatima Paiva-Martins has presented numerous oral communications and posters in international conferences and have more than 40 of original articles published, more than 1000 citations and an h of 18. She has been member of the editorial board of the European Journal for Lipid Science and Technology and reviewer for several first quartile journals in food chemistry, such as J Agric Food Chem; Food Chem; J Am Chem Soc; Colloids and Surfaces A; Eur J Lipid Sci Tech; Food and Function; and Nutrients. She was awarded in 2009 with the Euro Fed Lipid Poster Award and with the International Symposium on Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants Poster Award in 2016. She was invited by the European Federation for Fat Research to be the Chair of the first Euro Fed Lipid International Symposium on Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants in 2016 and she currently chairs the Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidant Division of the European Federation for Fat Research.