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Publication about Flavylium-Based Dyes on Chemical Reviews

Checkout our recent publication about Natural and Synthetic Flavylium-Based Dyes, published in the most important journal of Multidisciplinary Chemistry, coordinated by Luis Cruz, where the comprehension of how the chemistry of these compounds affects their chromatic properties is assessed.

This work counted with the collaborations of Nova Lisbon University, result of our long scientific relations with Prof. Fernando Pina.

DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00399


Publication about Polyglycosylated Anthocyanins on Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 

Checkout our recent publication about this type of anthocyanin published in one of the most important journals of Food Science, where we challenge you the rethink the present perspective of anthocyanin in different fields. 

This work counted with the collaborations of Wuhan Polytechnic University, result of our long scientific relations with Prof. Jingren He.


DOI 10.1111/1541-4337.12970

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Susana Soares was awarded with an ERC starting grant


Susana was always a researcher with a tremendous capacity to be on the top front of Science. The attribution of an ERC is the culmination of its hard work during the last few years, and represents the excellent research done by our group at foodphenolab and LAQV.

During the next few years, Susana will devote her research focus on the development of biosensors to understand how food, taste and sensing are comprehended by our brain.


Title: In-depth phenolic characterization of iron gall inks by deconstructing representative Iberian recipes

Journal: Scientific Reports

Polyphenols in Art: chemistry and biology hand in hand with conservation of cultural heritage – PTDC/QUI-OUT/29925/2017


Illuminated in word and in image, medieval manuscripts are some of the most beautiful testimonies of our European past and may be at risk. In the paper now published in Scientific Reports, for the first time, we provide an in-depth characterization of the molecular structures that give substance to historical writing inks. We show that the major black chromophores are based on complexes with pentagalloylglucose and hexagalloylglucose and not with gallic acid. In turn, accurate structures for iron gall inks will promote informed conservation strategies, filling the existing gap between scientific research and its application.

5 million € granted to FoodPhenoLab as leaders of the consortium WHEATBIOME

Susana Soares and Rosa Perez-Gregorio, just got accepted their application WHEATBIOME under the scope of the Research and Innovation Actions from Horizon Europe (HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01) with a total of 5,060,547.5€ !



The WHEATBIOME project will contribute to the understanding of wheat microbiome role on sustainable development by undertaking
cutting-edge research with strong collaboration between academia, industry, food system actors and governmental authorities distributed along 13 different entities from 6 EU countries, and will explore the role of microbiomes in wheat production systems in a broad approach from soil to plate to:
• Understand the effect of biotic/abiotic factors on wheat microbiomes
• Unravel the soil-plant microbiome cross-talking on wheat metabolism and nutritional quality, and deliver sustainable farming practices for resilient
and nutritious wheat crops 
• Discover new fermentation capacities within endogenous wheat microbiomes and develop novel foods and feeds.
• Study the role of microbial fermentations in food/feed quality and reduce food waste by recirculating wheat by-products.
• Determine the interactions between new wheat-derived food products and the human/animal microbiota, and its effect on human and animal health.

• Assess the perception of food system actors and citizens about microbiomes within food systems. 

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Antho.EFlos​ funded by FCT in the '22 Edition

Hélder Oliveira just got accepted it's application AnthoE.Flos under the scope of the Research Funding 2022 Edition from FCT 2022.01014.PTDC). 

AnthoEFlos was the first of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Panel with a grade of 8,6/9 and a total of 50,000 € for 18 months of scientific development.


The project will be dedicated to study different species of Edible Flowers as an alternative source of acylated anthocyanins, by focusing its efforts on their health benefits and bioavailability.

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whEATit project funded by EFSA in the EU-FORA '22 call

Ricardo Dias just got accepted it's application whEATit: Putting gluten back on menu - safety assessment of polyphenol-rich wheat varieties in Celiac Disease, under the scope of the EUBA-EFSA-2022-ENREL-02 - Selection of hosting sites and fellows for EU-FORA Risk call from the European Food Safety Agency.

This project received a total of 55,000€ for 12 months of scientific development. 

With different institutions involved, including the Institute of Biochemistry and Biology (Italy), the European Laboratory for the Investigation of Food Induced Diseases (Italy) and the Agrotest Fyto, Ltd (Czech Republic), whEATit aims to provide a chemical, biochemical, and nutritional risk and benefit assessments of purple, blue and dark-coloured wheat flours, to inform food safety and public health strategies in CD management, including updating dietary advice, food processing technologies, and wheat breeding programs that maximize polyphenol’s health benefits in CD.

REVIVE project funded by FCT in the '22 Edition

Natércia Teixeira is part of the team that just got accepted it's application REVIVE-The threads of the past weaving the future: The colors from the Royal Textile Factory of Covilhã, 1764-1850, under the scope of the Research Funding 2022 Edition from FCT 2022.01243.PTDC. 


REVIVE, a collaboration between FCT-NOVA, UBI, MUSLAN, REQUIMTE, HTC-NOVA, Lab2PT (UM), will seek to clarify the production and dyeing processes used in the Royal Textile Factory from Covilhã, in a historical period that allows us to follow the evolution from the manufacturing to the industrial phase. 

Established by the Marquis of Pombal within his policy of promoting the modernization of national wool production, the Royal Textile Factory specialization was the manufacture of military uniforms, implying a huge knowledge in the various operations of transforming the wool, from raw material into fabric.


For more information please check:

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Check the new website of AnthoE.Flos

AnthoE. Flos, the project led by Hélder Oliveira just got a new website under the scope of the dissemination objectives. AnthoE. Flos is unveiling the potential of Edible Flowers as a food source more healthy and sustainable. 

Go check it !


Fermen.To project funded by FCT in 1st edition of the RESTART program

2023.00164.RESTART: FERMEN.TO – FERmented foods to struggle MEtabolic syNdrome. An inTegrated in vitro dynamic apprOach.


This project received a total of 50,000€ for 18 months of scientific development. 

The quantitative and qualitative impact of the fermentation process on the composition of fruit juices is still poorly understood both in terms of nutrients and non-nutrients (e.g., phytochemicals), which is why this is one of the objectives of the project. On the other hand, it is intended to apply different analytical techniques to identify new molecules (non-nutrients) present in these fermented matrices, ensuring simultaneously their food safety.

Furthermore, using different preclinical research models (dynamic oral ingestion simulators associated with ex vivo models, cellular barrier models, metabolism systems, and cellular models of cardiovascular disease), we also aim to understand the impact of these new fermented food matrices on metabolism and the molecular mechanisms involved in metabolic syndrome (MetS), highlighting the central role of the microbiota in this relationship. Health benefits can range from preventive prophylactic actions, which can be extended to the general population, to the reversal of disease indicators that allow for more targeted action in specific segments of the population, for example, individuals with CVD. 

The consortium includes the participation of the team of Prof. Ana Faria, principal investigator of the Laboratory of Metabolism and Nutrition at NOVA Medical School (NMS), and the Food Science Research Institute at the University of Madrid, led by Prof. Victoria Moreno-Arribas. In addition to the R&D units, the participation of Dr. Paulo Marques' team, Director of the Biotechnology Business Unit at industrial partner Sumol+Compal, will be crucial for this entire process.


Wine-inspired synthesis of blue pyranoflavyliums for topical Photodynamic Therapy developed in our laboratory gained attention of several national media institutions. 

Best poster award ICPH 2019, Japan


Among the hundreds of participants, our lab brought two best award prizes during the ICPH 2019. Besides the award letter notification, Hélder and Ricardo also won a prize money of 20,000 japanese yen.

Hélder presented a work about the recent advances on the bioavailability of complex anthocyanins while Ricardo discussed the role of some polyphenols in celiac disease. 

Our lab continues to hit success everywhere we go.

Farewell to Fuliang Han

Gifts for Fuliang Han
Victor and Fuliang
Fuliang Han with his 1979 Port Wine
Nuno and Fuliang

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Luis Cruz

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