Paula Araújo
Paula Araújo graduated in Chemistry in 2011 in Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto and obtained her master degree in Viticulture and Enology in 2016 in FCUP and ISA, from Lisbon.
Additionally, she has participated in some research projects conducted by this group (Food Polyphenol Lab) at Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto.
Presently, she is a research fellow in the project “VINE&WINE RESIDUES: Unlimited resources of high-value polyphenols for application into Functional Foods”, at the same institution.
Paula Araújo is co-author of 15 papers in international scientific journals. Over the last years, Paula Araújo has also participated in winemaking processes during vintage season at large wine companies (Gran Cruz and The Fladgate Partnership). This kind of experiences has contributed to improve her knowledge about this subject.